arco Bremen Osterholz e.V. is an association for musical support of disadvantaged children and young people in the suburb Bremen Osterholz. For the 10th anniversary, the kids could bring to paper what they associate and feel in relation to arco and what making music means to them. I gave them a pencil and colors to draw on A3 paper what arco means to them.
For the 10th anniversary, I and the Team drew shapes and words on a few papers in case the kids needed inspiration. Feelings, Your Instrument, Bow, Orchestra, Trip to Polen, Fiddle tunes, Trip to Izmir, Nature, Humor, Fun, Singing, and 10 Years of arco.
For the 10th anniversary, I and the Team drew shapes and words on a few papers in case the kids needed inspiration. Feelings, Your Instrument, Bow, Orchestra, Trip to Polen, Fiddle tunes, Trip to Izmir, Nature, Humor, Fun, Singing, and 10 Years of arco.